Meet our Pastor
Pastor Jun Magno
Born and raised in the Philippines, Pastor Jun Magno immigrated to the United States at the age of 16. He graduated from Banner High School in Wilmington, CA and upon graduation, his family moved to San Diego, CA where Jun attended college. Jun later enlisted in the US Naval Reserves and was activated during Desert Storm where he became a Veteran. Jun was later employed at the US Postal Service where he worked for 30 years.
While first relocating to San Diego, Jun became heavily involved at Glad Tidings Church (now People’s Church). There he held various volunteer positions such as an adult Sunday School Teacher and Bible Study Teacher, Youth Leader, Lay Preacher, and Church Board Member. As their first Young Adult Pastor, he established various ministry clubs and two successful Young Adult mission trips to the Philippines in which he personally lead the second trip. In his spare time, Jun created a Bible Interpretation website in the late 1990s, which is still active today. He studied at Global University and received a degree in Biblical Studies and later received his credentials under the Assemblies of God.
In 2002, Jun co-founded Pacific Lighthouse Christian Fellowship and served as an Assistant Pastor for 9 years before he was appointed as the Lead Pastor in 2011. Together with Eileen, his beautiful wife, the Magnos continue to serve together at Pacific Lighthouse. Jun and Eileen have three children: Jonathan, Justin, and Ella. In his spare time Pastor Jun loves to read, mountain/road bike, hike with Eileen, eat out with family and friends, and travel the world. He is currently taking courses at Pacific Theological Seminary.