A Psalm of Lament for Thanksgiving
Bible Text: Psalm 42-43 | Preacher: Pastor Julio “Jun” Magno
Psalm 42-43 sounds like it was written to be an excuse to complain or to have a pity party.
It really is intended to invite us to be honest with God with our feelings
What do we think about God during difficult times?
The psalmist was a priest in the temple of God who was taken as captive and exiled from his homeland. He was in midst of great depression because he knew that God allowed this to happen because of the nation’s sin.
How can you pray to God when you know it’s God’s will for you to suffer?
How can someone who has lost everything be more concerned about being separated from God?
Why wasn’t he concerned about his loved ones, or his friends, or his house or his possessions? Instead he was crying about God and about losing his presence.
We might think say that the psalmist lost his priorities. In reality; however, the key to getting out of his depression is having a personal relationship and communion with God.
Many would feel sad if they just lose their phone. How many of us would feel depressed if we are told we can no longer pray and worship God? You must come to a point where you recognize that God is the most important thing in your life – more than your loved ones or possessions.
Remember what God has done for you in the past – how God has rescued you before. God never changes, He is the same. He is faithful to His promise and He love us very much. If we remember the past, we can face the present and trust him for our future.
The psalmist realizes that God never left them even in the midst of Gods judgement and punishment. We all have the same problems and tragedies. The difference for those who have God in their lives is hope.
The best remedy to our fear, stress, depression, and loneliness starts with a personal intimate, relationship with God and a steadfast belief that He will never abandon us no matter what.